Wiz: And of course, the power grid which it gives speed, strength, and reflexes 32x a trained athlete Wiz: It's the way a power ranger can morphīoomstick : Along with the coin she also has a wrist communicator, blade blaster and her infamous power daggers Wiz: That is correct, her weapons and powers were swapped but she kept her original power coin, the Sabertooth Power Coinīoomstick : What the hell is a Power Coin? Wiz : Trini Kwan is a bright, supportive and athletic young woman who often helps out her fellow teammatesīoomstick: She was actually the Red Ranger thanks to some dimensional shit Trini Kwan aka Yellow Rangerīoomstick: Aka The Yellow Ranger the sturdy right leg of the Mighty Morphin Rangers It takes 1 psi to send a human back a foot if hit in the right area so for our sake just use some simple math and we could just for now say he can punch 550 pounds per square inch, as of which we currently knowīoomstick: He is sure one hell of a combatant, which is excellent for his combatant. Now the average weight is 150 pounds and we can say Kor is around 750 lbs, which is about 5.5 times the weight of the average human. Wiz: We can use clues from the wearabouts to find out what he is made of, while scrolling through multiple stones through out Sweden and Norway and countries that were considered "Norse" at the time we can predict through shape, size, usability and color it was likely limestone. Wiz: Well we have only seen it used for 1 second straight, so its safe to say we call it a booster packīoomstick: Though we don't see him do a lot of feats granted as we see him purely only in brawlhalla we can use the fact he can punch a living boulder over around a hundred feet just using a punch Wiz : While also being proficient with both weapons he is also a very good at hand to hand combatīoomstick : What would make this space ninja/night even better? Of course a jetpack Wiz : A lance powered with a rocket booster at the endīoomstick: Hmm not even the weirdest weapon we have had on here Wiz: Yes, this unnamed warrior has gone 1 v 1 again'st the god Thorīoomstick: What weapons does this warrior yield?īoomstick: A rocket lance? What in tarnation? wait a minute am I reading this correct GODS!? Wiz: Okay.Moving on, he was first spotted in Valhallaīoomstick: Which only the best of warriors can enterīoomstick: Which he later will join the Brawlhalla tournament where he will go toe to toe with minoutaurs, aliens and even. Wiz: Techinaclly yes and technically no, no one has ever heard him speak Wiz: Orion, the Golden Knight no one knew Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win. Wiz: And the right legged woman of the Mighty Morphin Rangers, Yellow Ranger Note - The screen shots provided here are not original to when this was on IGN's vault but do give an accurate representation of what this module looks like.Wiz: Today we have two very skilled weaponed yellow fightersīoomstick: A mysterious aromored fighter from brawlhalla, Orion Read the file descriptions carefully to make sure you're downloading the version that's right for you. Although CEP2 is listed under the "Required Haks" section, there are separate hak-less and CEP2 versions available for download. Requirements vary depending on which version you use. Create your perfect character, be the envy of all your friends, get hot dates, and revel in your own glory.New for v4.4: Portraits! Hair/skin/tattoo colors! Tridents! Purple Dragon Knights!.Use the persistent Storage Chest to save and/or transfer items between PCs.Test your PC's mettle in Arena and Playground areas.Remove Cursed (undroppable), Plot, or Stolen flags from items.(The CEP2 version also includes a separate CEP merchant.) Purchase equipment from a wide selection of items, including standard NWN items and many unique creations.Gold is automatically set for the level you chose per DMG guidelines. Add, change, or remove any valid property for any item using the In-Game Item Properties Editor (IGIPE) by hohos.It also supports DM Friendly Initiative (DMFI) functionality. It’s optimized for setting up "legit" characters to use in games where it's appropriate to start at levels other than 1. Pretty Good Character Creator / Customizer (PGC3) powered by IGIPE is a tool for building, equipping, and combat-testing Player Characters (PCs).